Life Is A Process

There are few feelings worse than the hurt you feel after working toward a goal, accomplishing it, then having it taken away. You study hard, graduate with honors, land your dream job only to succumb to a company-wide layoff. Or you adopt a strict vegan diet, commit to daily workouts, lower your blood pressure only to develop another debilitating health issue. Just as you check it off your “life to-do list”, it’s back to the drawing board. Often, these experiences are out of our control and we must accept that leaps forward and steps back are a part of life. The only thing we can control is learning to enjoy where we are regardless. Easier said than done, I know, but happiness is a choice and a practice. Here are a few tips on learning to love life now. 

  1. Accept that life is a marathon with unforeseen hurdles, sharp turns, and knee-buckling winds. The key to enjoying life is accepting that we’re not going to feel 100 percent happy 100 percent of the time. Accepting that life is one big cycle of ups and downs, will not only sustain you in your lowest points, but it will remind you to cherish each moment.

  2. Establish a daily ritual of gratitude. Gratitude rituals like meditation, prayer and gratitude journals keep you grounded and present. Consider creating a gratitude jar. Write down at least one thing you are grateful for daily on a slip of paper and place the slip into a jar. At the end of the week, month, year, or whenever you need a pick me up, reread the slips to remind yourself how much you have to be grateful for. Gratitude journals and jars allow you to identify what you're thankful for at the moment and they allow you to relive all of those moments at any time. 

  3. Create detailed plans for your day. Many people feel discontent with their current position in life because they feel like life is happening to them. Planning out your day will leave you feeling empowered and in control, even if it's just scheduling your Saturday morning errands. This simple exercise of autonomy can boost your mood and leave you feeling energized to pilot your life. 

  4. Get out of your comfort zone. One way to escape the feeling of not having your life exactly as you want is to take a break from stressing over your current standing in life and try something new. Redirect your focus on a task completely foreign to you and do something that takes you out of your comfort zone. It can be anything: go keto, take up merengue, or build a home for a family in need. Trying something new may just inspire you to take the leap or make the change needed to get you a step closer to where you want to be. Life is a process, not a project. Enjoy the journey. 

“The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination.”

-Carl Rogers 

Lauren Mayo